Monday, April 4, 2011

A Millionaire Love Story Gone Wrong - Love On The Rocks

Okay so there you are. You've found the millionaire of your dreams and you think it's going oh so well. You had the big wedding maybe (or committment ceremony) and you've thrown the rice, or in a pc world whatever they throw these days (good for pigeons and the environment) you get the big house, the jet, the cars, the servants the artwork, everything you ever wanted. And then, you realize, maybe I wanted all the wrong things. Because it isn't true love if money was the only factor. Maybe he drinks alot, or he's used to being pampered, or she's used to having you on a leash..and not in a good way. And there you are, trapped in your gilded cage like Little Edie in Grey Gardens, hoping for a ticket out. They're so rich that they can find you. And if they're obsessive about're in trouble. Money isn't always what it's cracked up to be. People will often tell you how wonderful it is to be rich.

But let's face it, nobody ever tells you what it does: you having money, to the people you love who are ever around you. I sat last summer at a club on Long Beach Island and listened while a world famous singer poured her heart out to me. She told me that she was supporting cousins that she'd never even met. If you find yourself suddenly having the good fortune to be on that "money train," watch out...because those friends and family around will evolve into vipers. And heaven forbid you're not happy. Maybe they're happy. Maybe you got your brother an apartment as one friend told me, after she hooked up with "froggy," a hedge fund manager who wanted the ultimate trophy wife. When her looks faded, so did her appeal. Froggy is now on number 3. While my dear friend, although still able to survive with her make up counter job at a local department store, she cried, "I now put blush on the faces of my Sutton Place friends whom I used to dine with." How sad. And all the jewels, well they did manage to buy her an apartment - a studio, a walk up. No longer does she have the chauffer to carry her bags down from the private elevator at SAKS. And she isn't a regular at Chanel. Poor dear.

Fortunately for the reader I have stumbled upon this blog where a millionaire matchmaker tells us how to avoid the pitfalls of millionaire marital heartache.


our author tells us the signs to look out for. They are:

1. Constant bickering. (Well that's a given, and probably not something you planned on).
2. Not as much affection. (Well maybe you didn't have too much to begin with, but when you date the rich it becomes the idea that they can have what ever they want (ala Tiger Woods) and you can't have any. Having children usually secures somewhat of a tie to the spouse - but ask yourself is money really worth it? Wouldn't you be happier in a cardboard box with someone who loved you madly then with some rich old coot who passes you over for the latest thing coming down the pike?
3. You see the point that your friends have made when they told you to that you should drop him. (Never listen to your friends. My gosh, those jealous btchs are always trying to break you up). It's always been my experience that the minute I am happy with someone...out they come with what's wrong with them. After awhile the novely of being ultra rich will wear off for the both of you, and if there isn't love...well you'll be sorry that there's nothing left to save. So hold on to those diamonds darling, you may need to eat them in the future.
4. You (or him) find excuses to be alone and not together. (Usually it's he/she and not you).
5. You change your username and phone number without telling him. (Well that's a big mistake.)

So maybe the article can help you.
But quite frankly, if you're in a relationship whether rich or poor and the love has gone of it, know the warning signs and get yourself free. It's better to end as friends. And if my dears you want them to follow you for the rest of your life, always leave when it's at it's best. Then they can sing a song about, "Didn't we have it all." And nothing succeeds better than someone who leaves while they are on top. I once dumped a millionaire (only 800 million darling) and to this day I still get phonecalls and cards..I left when it was good, because it wasn't working. And all the chauffers, and maids, and houses and boats, and planes and jewels and clothing and trips and caviar and good good good champagne will not make up for what isn't there. Sure you may think you can fabricate it. But hey...true love isn't to be trifled with. While you're with froggy maybe the love of your life is out there somewhere else. Money, and not love can and will rob you of life.

I'll never forget sitting in the parlor of one of the many private clubs in Manhattan and just looking out the street and seeing so very many happy young couples in love. but I was trapped inside with insipid you know what. They seemed a million years older than me. How I longed to go for a walk in the park, or to a museum, or to a play. But those days were over. The flower of our young love dried up and died. And as for money, please. Plenty of it and none of it. You can be very rich and destitute at the same time. Look at how many rich people die and the only ones who really give a damn at their funeral are the entourage only riding their train for what they can get. Human nature can be quite ugly sometimes.

But to be in love, truly with someone who loves you back is the greatest fortune you can ever have. Now, if you've given up on love, then find someone at least that you like..because life is long and hard no matter what your station, no one escapes it, the rain falls on everyone and who knows when a psunami will snatch you up. Don't cheat yourself.

Okay off of my lecture box. It is possible to have true love and money. But I don't think you should just look for millionaires like on that dating show..find an interest that you and someone of means enjoy -and meet them there, like yachting or art. You'll find it..or it may find you when you aren't looking.

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